Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Election Races in both CRD Area 'H' and SD #27 - Zones 4/5

Today, in the 100 Mile Free Press, they report that Area 'H' residents Ron Lister (Deputy Chief of the Forest Grove VFD) and Margo Wagner (Canim Lake resident and retiree for the past seven years, she arrived from England 36 years ago and worked as a nurse in Alberta) will both compete for the Directorship of CRD Area 'H'. See more here

Note - current CRD Area 'H' Director Art Dumaresq is on public record backing the election bid of Ron Lister to become the new CRD Area 'H' Director

Meanwhile - in Williams Lake, the Cariboo Advisor reports that 150 Mile resident Jackie Austin wants to become the new Zone 4 Trustee.  So - it'll be an interesting election battle to watch as Ms. Austin goes up against current Zone 4 Trustee Heather McKenzie and to observe what the election issue(s) that will be raised by both parties will be.

Finally - Sheila Boehm, who has previously announced, has file nomination papers yesterday seeking the Zone 5 Trustee seat (WL Fringe) which is being vacated by outgoing SD #27 Board Chair Wayne Rodier

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