Tuesday, October 4, 2011

WL Council Highlights - October 4th meeting

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent: Councillor Tom Barr

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Alan Madrigga – Manager of Economic Development
Pat Higgins – Director of Financial Services
Anne Burill – Social Development Manager
Chris Hutton – Planning Technician

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Sept 13th, 2011 WL Council meeting adopted


1) Karen Brunoro (100 Mile House Residential Nurse Manager – IHA) appeared before Council to discuss the re-opening of Deni House on Monday, November 28th


1) Council agreed to support an application to UBCM for the CAO to be appointed to the BC/Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee.
2) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to the following Bylaws:

a) Bylaw No. 2150 - Bylaw of the City of Williams Lake to provide for the Borrowing of Money in Anticipation of Property Tax Revenue for 2012
b) Bylaw No. 2147 - Bylaw of the City of Williams Lake to approve permissive property tax exemptions for 2012
c) Bylaw No. 2148 – Bylaw of the City of Williams Lake to provide a tax exemption for land surrounding a building for public worship
d) Bylaw No. 2149 - Bylaw of the City of Williams Lake to provide for land surrounding buildings of private schools 4

3) Council received the 2010-2011 Annual Performance Summary for the Williams Lake Transit Service for information.
4) Council agreed to enter into a Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement with Crystalee Baba (Gecko Tree – 54 Mackenzie Avenue South)
5) Council received and referred Development Variance Permit #8-2011 to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for its’ review. Council will formally take up consideration of DVP #8-2011 at its’ October 18th meeting
6) Council agreed to ratify an email poll to apply to the Government of Canada through the Homelessness Partnering Initiative for an amount up to $75,000 to help develop the Affordable Housing Strategy
7) Council adopted 4 Recommendations from the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee, as follows:

a) Receipt of report of Geoff Paynton (City of WL Director of Community Services) regarding the financial impact of the recent Sam Ketcham Memorial Pool closure
b) That Option A to maintain the pool as is, be approved, and Option C to start a planning process to replace the pool, be approved. Staff were also directed to begin planning work on a new option to replace the Sam Ketcham Memorial Pool
c) The Facility Management Agreement be amended to include the City's Purchasing Policy; and the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Terms of Reference be amended to include a communication process that will inform all committee members when capital project tenders and significant contracts are awarded.
d) 2012 Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function Business/Financial Plans be endorsed and an additional business goal be added to include the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society's input into planning Canada Day Celebrations and Performances in the Park

8) Council agreed to enter into a contribution agreement with Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation for the sum of $10,000 for the purposes of completing a Housing Need and Demand Study
9) Council proclaimed the following:

a) Fire Prevention Week – October 9th to 15th, 2011
b) Small Business Week – October 16th to 22nd, 2011

10) Council received for information “In-Camera Report #6-2011” regarding the presentation of a "Key to the City" for renowned author Paul St. Pierre

11) Late Items:

a) Council approved Councillor Walters attending the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association Conference October 13th and 14th with expenses not to exceed $400.00.
b) Council received a report from the CAO regarding its’ attendance at the 2011 Union of BC Municipalities Convention
c) Council declared the month of October 2011 as “Family Foster Month” in the City of Williams Lake

12) Council received one item in the Council Information Package, as follows:

i) Email from Timothy Burger re: City of Williams Lake Fire Department

Next Meeting:  October 18th at 6:00pm in WL Council Chambers

Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm and Council went into an In-Camera Meeting

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