Monday, February 4, 2013

Canim Lk Estates Water System Update Mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Residents of the Canim Lake Estates Water System are advised of a public meeting at the Forest Grove Community Hall Thursday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. This meeting is to update residents on the Canim Lake Estate Water System issue.

At this time the roof liner has been removed and replaced, however the Provincial Medical Health Officer is not prepared to remove the Do Not Use Water Order at this time.

The prolonged duration of the Order should not be interpreted to correlate to the severity of the situation. Until such time as we are sure that we have identified and thoroughly analyzed all potential contaminates, a cautious approach is the most prudent. The Cariboo Regional District recognizes the significant inconvenience that is occurring and is doing everything in its power to get answers as quickly as possible

Further updates will be provided as information and details become available.

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