Monday, February 4, 2013

Inclusive Budget Consultation Process...

Last week - it was brought to my attention about the budget consultation process that the City of Port Coquitlam uses which includes the same public meeting process but also includes a booklet that outlines the budget process and what drives their budget/5 Year Financial Plan

View below:

In the meantime -- in addition to the booklet and usual public meeting(s), I'd like to see Williams Lake make use of Facebook, as an example, to gather public input prior to the fall budget setting exercise that Williams Lake Council does with its' Staff (just like the Cariboo Regional District intends to do with its' residents, through Town Hall meetings, for its' 2014 Budget).  In addition, I'd like to see the Williams Lake budget meetings taped, like the City of Kamloops does now, so people can view them online and provide the appropriate input to Williams Lake City Council

Such an exercise would see a holistic and realistic budget that will truly reflect the spending priorities of the community of Williams Lake


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