Friday, February 1, 2013

Local Gov't, Non-Profits and Conflict-of-Interest

In a BC Court of Appeal ruling on Jan 11th of this year - the Court ruled that local elected officials who sit on non-profit society boards and then vote at a municipal council or regional board meeting on funding support for that non-profit are in a pecuniary (financial) conflict of interest.  Read more here

This ruling, will in my opinion, change the relationship of local gov'ts sitting on non-profit boards, given the implication of the above-referred to Court of Appeal ruling whereby local governments should no longer allow Mayors, Councillors, and Regional District Directors to sit on non-profit boards to remove the possibility of a pecuniary conflict from occuring, especially if that elected official is asked to vote for funding support for that same non-profit society. This court ruling already has had an impact, as PG City Council will vote to change its' representative on the 2015 Canada Winter Games Host Society Board as a result of this Court ruling.  Read the report from PG Mayor Shari Green here

My personal thanks to Cariboo Regional District Chair (and Area 'G' Director) Al Richmond for 'tweeting' out this Court ruling to his followers.  You can follow Chair Richmond on Twitter -- @africhmond

-- SBF

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