Monday, September 5, 2011

School District #27 prepared for Teacher Job Action

From School District #27:

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

School District No. 27 has been served 72 hour strike notice by the union representing teachers. Phase One of teacher job action is effective Tuesday, September 6.

Teachers will be in classrooms to welcome every student and teach.

The safety of students has been considered in planning:
  • The school principal will be at the school and there will be supervision for students before school, at recess, and after school.
  • Noon hour supervisors, teacher assistants, clerical staff and custodians will continue as scheduled.
  • Bus service will continue as scheduled.
  • Cross walk guards will continue as scheduled.
The Labour Relations Board (LRB) ruled what essential services teachers are required to do and what teachers do not have to do during Phase One of Job Action. The LRB ruling is available on the School District web site here or view the LRB Decision here

The Board of Education and district management are working in good faith to address issues at the local level in a timely manner. The relationship between teachers and management in this district is positive and we expect this to continue during and after job action.

Be sure to check the District web site here for updated information.

Phone: 250-398-3800

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